When To Buy Insurance Blackjack

Read here for all the info needed on when to buy Blackjack Insurance.

Taking up insurance when playing a hand or two of an online blackjack game may seem, at first glance, to be a great betting idea, however, when taking a good look at what this blackjack insurance strategy of gameplay in actual fact represents, one can clearly see that by taking up the blackjack insurance option, players are not setting themselves up for a good innings, in terms of their net winnings.

The question asked above, as to when it would be a good idea to take up the dealer’s offer and when to buy blackjack insurance would be a good idea? After doing some extensive research on the subject matter, we can indeed agree that in most instances, the avid and experienced online casino blackjack player will indeed pass up the option of opting to buy blackjack insurance, as this is a move favoured by online blackjack card counting players and novice players that may not know the ins and outs of blackjack online gameplay, the varying strategies and the different side bets on offer.

Blackjack Should You Buy Insurance, proxy slots are full, casino niagara coupons, chicksaw casino kingston ok. The main reason blackjack insurance is offered is that many players take insurance. Almost 100% of the time, this is a mistake. Insurance in blackjack is a sucker bet–you should never take it. A few exceptions to that rule exist. One gambling expert wrote “insurance. Blackjack Insurance. Insurance is a word that most people are familiar with. You buy insurance just in case you get in a car accident with an uninsured driver, just in case you die and just in case you break your arm after falling off your ladder while hanging Christmas lights. You pay a premium up front and if or when the inevitable happens, the insurance.

So, let us take a closer look at this option, given to online blackjack players, of being able to buy blackjack insurance.


When To Buy Insurance In Blackjack

What is Blackjack Insurance?
When the online blackjack dealer happens to land a face-up card that is an Ace card, this is the only time when the dealer will give each online blackjack player (currently playing at that moment in time at that blackjack table) the opportunity to buy blackjack insurance.

This is a side bet, where the online blackjack player is encouraged to place a wager that is half the size of their original wager that has been put into play during the particular blackjack online game in question. For example, should the player opting to take up the opportunity of purchasing blackjack insurance have wagered €20 on the original online blackjack game in gameplay, the insurance side bet will need to be half of that, making the insurance buy-in an amount of €10.

The premise for this insurance buy-in side bet, is that should the dealer (who is holding an Ace card) happen to land a 10, this will take the dealer directly to a ‘natural blackjack’ score. The insurance bet allows for 2:1 odds, and when the dealer wins the hand of blackjack, the player that has opted to buy-in the insurance side bet, will win that side bet but will lose their original wager placed.

For example: the player above wagered €20 and placed a side bet of €10 for the insurance buy-in. The dealer has now won a natural blackjack, and sits with a card value of 21 (an Ace card and a ten card combination), and has won the current hand. The player in question will have won €10, as this is what was placed as the blackjack insurance buy-in, yet will lose their original wager of €20. All in all, this bodes negatively for the player, as their net winnings will remain at a deficit.

One could argue that without that insurance buy-in side bet made, the player will have lost €20 altogether, and not landed ab ‘even-bet’ by still winning €10 back, but with the odds of the dealer landing a 10 card, with their Ace, there is the 9:4 winnings odds.

What this means is quite simply the following: out of a single deck of 52 cards, 4 cards out of every 13 cards will have the value of 10. This means that on average, over 13 instances played, there is a chance 4 that the dealer will win 4 times, landing that Blackjack with the Ace-10 combination, and will lose 9 of those times. These odds do not actually bode well for players looking to make a positive situation out of the insurance buy-in side bet.

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Most often, online blackjack players that consider themselves to be avid blackjack online players, that are experienced and quite adept at the blackjack gameplay, all in all, most time, these are the players that will categorically denounce the side bet of being able to buy blackjack insurance.

The side bet of opting to buy blackjack insurance is considered a side bet for novice online blackjack players only. Novice players, and players that get by playing blackjack online via card counting strategies.

It is believed that card counting blackjack online players will know when it would be a good idea to buy blackjack insurance, as it will be these card counters that will know when the blackjack online gameplay and deck in play holds a heavy hand towards the ten-value cards, and higher valued cards.

If one is not a card counting online blackjack player, then this side bet of buying blackjack insurance is not a wise betting strategy to be made, so all in all, one would easily say that in answer to the question initially posed: when to buy blackjack insurance? There is no good time, unless one has been employing the card count online blackjack strategy, and as a blackjack online player, one knows that the ten-value card count is weighted heavily with the probability of the ten-value card appearing, when the blackjack online dealer has in hand an Ace card – only then will it be a good idea to buy blackjack insurance.


Although widely considered an online blackjack side bet that is only employed by novice players, one can also see that when a particular online blackjack player is employing the strategy of counting card during their casino online blackjack gameplay, there is also the opportunity for this type of player to optimise on their card counting, and perhaps find an opportune time to employ the side bet of being able to buy blackjack insurance, at the right time as well.

It may not be a widely practiced strategy, but as with all things in life, there is always a good time and place for everything.

If it comes down to it, and you, as an avid casino online blackjack player happens to be given the opportunity to buy insurance during gameplay, rather opt out, unless of course you have been using the card counting strategy as well, and can clearly expect a high value card, of hopefully a ten-value to appear, this way giving you a slight upper hand over the house edge, as you win the 2:1 odds over the dealer’s winning blackjack hand.

All in all, it is always advised to never forget the golden rule – always have fun!

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Blackjack insurance is a term that confuses a lot of people, especially novice players. What is even more confusing is knowing when to buy blackjack insurance. Experts usually say purchasing it is a bad bet and should be avoided at all costs, but that is not always the case. But before we get into that, lets us talk about what blackjack insurance is.


Should You Ever Buy Insurance In Blackjack

What is Blackjack Insurance?

If the dealer shows an Ace during a round of blackjack, he or she will offer the player a chance to purchase insurance. If you buy the insurance and the dealer’s next card is a 10, the dealer will have a blackjack, and you would have won the insurance bet. This bet pays 2:1, but the downside is that you lose your original bet.

Blackjack Insurance Rule

An insurance bet is a side bet, meaning you can take it or leave it. The buy-in for blackjack insurance is usually half the amount of your original bet. For example, if you wager £50 before the dealer shows an Ace, your insurance bet will be £25.

Why You Should Take Insurance in Blackjack

Insurance blackjack meaning

Some would argue that taking blackjack insurance is beneficial because you will recover at least half of your original bet should the dealer get the ace-10 combination. For instance, if you make a £50 wager and purchase insurance for £25, the dealer’s next card has to be a 10 for you to win back half, which is £25.

Why You Should Not Take Insurance on Blackjack

Most experts advise players to stay away from buying insurance because the chances of the dealer getting an Ace is 9:4. These odds indicate that the math is not on the side of the player. There are 52 cards in a single deck, and only four cards out of every 13 cards have a value of 10. On average, this means the dealer will get the ace-10 combination four times when he or she plays 13 instances – the dealer will lose 9 out of those 13 times. For experts, this makes an insurance side bet not worth it.

When Should You Purchase Blackjack Insurance?

There is only one scenario in which a side bet should be taken: when you also have a blackjack. By insuring your own blackjack, you guarantee a positive return should the dealer also get a blackjack. In this scenario, you will tie with the dealer (also known as a push), meaning your original wager remains in the betting circle, but since you won the insurance bet, you will collect the 2:1 payout. Experts will still say this is a bad bet because this strategy ignores all the math and relies more on your gut feeling (unless you are a card counter, you are relying on chance that the dealer will get a blackjack after showing an Ace).

So, there you have it: only buy blackjack insurance when you have blackjack, and the dealer is showing an Ace. This will guarantee a positive return should the dealer get a blackjack. Even though experts might advise against it, the logic behind it is still sound if you are expecting an ace-10 combination.