Heads Up Seven Up Game Online

What it is: A grade school game played in a classroom, a quiet game to keep a class occupied.

The game begins with seven people at the front of the class while the rest of the class put their heads down on their desks and one thumb up. For the first go around, I joined six. Heads Up Seven Up. Heads Up Seven Up. Share on Facebook. Seven students were in front of the class. The class laid their headson their desk. The seven went out and each touched a person. That personwould stick his or her thumb up. Then the seven would say 'heads upseven up' and each student got one chance to guess which of the seventouched him If they guessed right than they changed places.

We did have some time to teach them Heads Up, Seven Up, which was a huge hit, depsite Jordan's doubt that it was a fun game. In fact once we taught them the game, they never wanted to do anything else. Heads Up, Seven Up is apparently a universally loved game by fifth graders. Heads Up Seven Up is a guessing game often played in the classroom. There are two versions of the game. In the first, seven people are 'it.' In the second version, only one player is designated as 'it.'

Best for: A class at school.

What you need:

  • The game works best when players have desks or tables to sit at. Other than that, you don’t need anything!
Heads up seven up game online multiplayerHeads Up Seven Up Game OnlineSevenHeads Up Seven Up Game Online

How to play: (Okay, this is reaching way back into my grade school memories for this one…) Heads up, seven up is a game often played in classrooms as a reward or to fill extra down time. It’s quiet and calm (great for teachers!) but fun for the kids.

To start, choose seven children. We’ll call them the Seven. They move to the front of the room and stand, facing the class. The rest of the class sit in their desks. Then the teacher (or whoever’s in charge) calls out, “Heads down, thumbs up!”

All the students sitting in their desks put their heads down and put one thumb in the air, like this:

They close their eyes and cover their faces so they can’t see. I seem to always remember the lights being off at this point, too, but maybe that’s unnecessary. Just tell kids not to peek.

Once all the students in their desks have their heads down and their thumbs up, the teacher signals to the Seven, who then quietly walk among the class. Each of the Seven picks one student sitting down and quietly touches their outstretched thumb. The student then tucks their thumb into their fist but continues waiting silently with eyes closed.

Heads Up Seven Up Game Online

Once the Seven have all touched a thumb, they stand back at the front of the classroom. The teacher announces, “Heads up, seven up!” and all of the students in the class can raise their heads and open their eyes. The seven students whose thumbs were touched stand up.

Then the standing students each get one chance to guess which of the Seven touched their thumb. So, for example, let’s say Michael and Alyssa are two of the standing students whose thumbs were touched. Shelby and Drew are two of the Seven standing at the front of the classroom. On Michael’s turn, he gets to guess who touched his thumb. He might say, “Shelby?” But let’s say he’s wrong and it was another of the Seven who touched his thumb. Shelby says “no” and Michael sits down.

Then it’s Alyssa’s turn to guess. She says, “Drew?” And Drew is the one who touched Alyssa’s thumb. He would say “yes” and then he and Alyssa would switch spots. Drew goes back to his seat and becomes one of the sitting students and Alyssa gets to join the lucky Seven.

Once all of the standing students have had a chance to guess, everyone but the Seven sits down and the teacher calls “Heads down, thumbs up!” again. Play continues as long as you want!

Heads Up Free Online

To make it fair, the teacher can choose the order the standing students take when it’s their turn to guess. It’s best if the teacher varies it, sometimes going front of the class to back, sometimes right to left, sometimes left to right, etc., because the students who guess last are at an advantage.

Variations: You can easily play the heads up, seven up game with less than Seven if you have a smaller group.

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Players Required: 14 minimum
Ages: 4 and up

Free Heads Up Game

Game Overview:
Seven people guess who picked them while their eyes were closed.

How to Play:

  • Choose seven people to stand in a line along a wall. Everyone else find a place to sit.
  • Someone, either an adult or one of the seven people in the line, calls “Heads down, thumbs up!”.
  • Those who are sitting put their heads down, shutting and covering their eyes. They put the hand not covering their eyes in a thumbs-up near their head.
  • The seven people from the line walk among those with their heads down. They each pick one person by gently pushing down their thumb.
  • After each person has put down a thumb and gotten back together in a line along a wall, the adult calls “Heads up, seven up!” and everyone opens their eyes and raises their heads.
  • The seven people who had their thumb pushed down stand up.
  • Going in any order, each person who had their thumb pushed down gets one guess as to who pushed their thumb down.
  • If they were correct, the person who pushed their thumb down sits down in their place and they join the line of seven.
  • If they were wrong, they sit back down.
  • After each person who had their thumb pushed down has guessed and either joined the line or sat back down, the remaining of the original line of seven tell, in order, whose thumb they pushed down.
  • The next round begins, with those who guessed correctly part of the seven pushing down thumbs.


  • The barest minimum number of people that could play this game would be six. It would no longer be Heads Up, Seven Up, but rather Heads Up, Three Up. The same rules apply, although the game would not be as fun with so few people.
  • Be gentle when you push down someone’s thumb. Do not touch it so lightly that they don’t know that it is supposed to go down, but don’t smash it into their hand.
  • This game is easier on those being chosen if they have something in front of them to rest their heads on, such as a table or desk.
  • This is a good way to keep a large group of children occupied.