Hands To Fold In Texas Holdem
Preflop Hand Ranges in NL Hold'em. Pre flop hand ranges in Texas Hold’em are the framework for any hand that is played. Without a proper understanding of which hands should be played pre flop, no player will be able to effectively play post flop. Imagine players who were blindly calling raises, or even making raises, without even knowing. Play Tight in the Beginning. This tip contradicts what I’ve discussed so far. Nevertheless, you should.
Texas Hold'em is always a game you should play with the long term in mind, if your poker hand has a 55/45 advantage compared to your opponents, you can lose it 10 times in a row. But if you play the hand 10,000 times on average you will win 55% (5.500) times.This is. What Hands to Fold in Poker Handranking Cheatsheet – SLOWPLAY. In Texas Hold'em, every decision a player makes should be strategic. Check out our guide which allows even a beginner to have a better understanding of what to fold safely. In Texas Hold'em, every decision a player makes should be strategic and aimed toward winning money in the.
Full ring poker tables, or those with a 9 or 10-player max, are a good place to learn no-limit Texas holdem. The reason why is because you don’t see the blinds as often, meaning full ring tables are a cheaper way to practice.
But most players don’t remain exclusive to these games. They often branch out to shorthanded tables, either for a different cash game experience or because they’re forced to in tournaments.
Shorthanded poker requires a different approach than full ring, because you’re dealing with fewer players. But the upside is that you can also make more money due to a greater volume of hands.
If you’re new to shorthanded poker, keep reading as I cover everything a beginner should know. Specifically, I’ll discuss more about this game, why you should play smaller tables, and what shorthanded Texas holdem strategy is.
What is Shorthanded Texas Holdem?
A shorthanded poker table features 6 or fewer players. You’ll also see these tables referred to as 6-max games.
6-max cash games never allow more than six players to enter the game. You’ll see a good number of these in online poker lobbies.
Poker tournaments begin with full ring tables, but they see shorthanded tables develop as more players are eliminated.
One of the tournament director’s jobs is to spot these shorthanded tables and consolidate them with larger tables.
6-max games play faster than full ring tables in both live and online play. Here are some common averages for different types of poker tables.
- 6-max online table = 80 hands per hour
- Full ring online table= 60 hands
- 6-max live table = 30 hands
- Full ring live table = 20 hands
Why Should You Play Shorthanded Texas Holdem?
Here are the three best reasons to play shorthanded Texas holdem.
- More action.
- Less folding.
- More hands per hour for profitable players.
Many recreational poker players become bored with folding hand after hand. But this is the dynamic in full ring games, because more players mean the potential for a stronger winning hand.
Tables with six or fewer players don’t see as strong of winning hands. This means that you can play a wider range of cards and still have a chance of taking the pot down.
Shorthanded holdem players will appreciate the fact that they won’t be folding as many hands on average.
If you’re a successful holdem player, then you’ll also like how shorthanded games can increase your profits. The fact that you see more hands also means that you have additional chances to win money.
How Does Shorthanded Texas Holdem Differ from Full Ring Holdem?
I’ve already covered the basics of how shorthanded Texas holdem differs from full ring games. But how does the overall strategy and gameplay change?
The biggest strategy change comes with what kind of starting hands you should be willing to play.
A tight-aggressive (TAG) approach works best in full ring games, where you can sit back and play premium hands. But the blinds will really eat your chip stack in shorthanded cash games and tournaments.
For example, you might not normally raise with AJ in middle position on a 9-player table. But this can be a good hand to raise within a shorthanded game.
It’s good to be aggressive on the button in unraised pots. But this is especially important on smaller tables, where raising with any decent hand can take the pot down.
Overall, 6-max games play faster and more aggressively than what you’ll see at full ring tables. Furthermore, many of these shorthanded pots are won before the flop.
Strategy for Short Handed Texas Holdem
The general strategy between full ring and shorthanded holdem is that the latter requires more aggressive play.
Of course, this doesn’t tell you anything specific. This is why I’m going to cover 7 tips that all shorthanded Texas holdem beginners should know.
1 – Play Tight in the Beginning
This tip contradicts what I’ve discussed so far. Nevertheless, you should play almost as tight as you do in full ring games when starting out in shorthanded holdem.
Playing aggressively leads to more losses for players that don’t have a good feel for smaller tables. And inexperienced 6-max players sometimes get carried away by playing too many hands.
Note:A good full ring player only plays around 15-20% of their hands on average. A good shorthanded player will play 25-35% of their hands.
The number of hands you play shouldn’t increase by a tremendous amount, such as 45-55%. Instead, you want to gradually increase your playable hand range.
Texas Holdem Hand Ranking
A beginner should focus on playing premium hands, along with a few hands outside the lines of big pocket pairs, mid pocket pairs, and high suited connectors.
The goal is to increase your playable hand range as you become more confident in your skills and in analyzing opponents. I’ll discuss more on what hands you should play in Tip #3.
2 – Raise into Hands – Don’t Limp
One of the keys to becoming a successful poker player is realizing that your strategy should vary based on opponents and the table dynamic. But a good general poker strategy rule is that you want to make preflop raises into unopened pots, or those that haven’t seen a raise yet.
Here are three goals that you accomplish by raising preflop in unopened pots:
- You show hand strength.
- You force players to pay to see the flop.
- You build fold equity for post-flop play.
Beginning with the first point, raising shows players that you likely have a strong hand. Therefore, they’re less likely to try and bluff you out of the pot.
Regarding the second goal, you want to limit the number of players who see the flop when you have a strong hand.
Your goal should be to isolate a single player so that you have a better chance of winning the hand if it goes to the showdown. Contrast this to multiple players seeing the flop, which decreases the chances that your strong cards will eventually win the hand.
The best way to thin the field out is with a raise worth 3x the big blind (bb). This is just enough to where few players won’t call with speculative hands, but also low enough to where you can get out of the hand cheaply when re-raised.
Of course, I’m not saying that you should fold to every re-raise. But if you’re holding pocket jacks or AK and worried that somebody has a better hand, you won’t feel as bad about sacrificing 3xbb.
As for the third goal, building fold equity increases the chances that you can take down the pot before the showdown.
This goes back to the first point of showing hand strength. When players believe that you have a good preflop hand, they’re more likely to think that you’ll flop a strong hand.
This sets you up for good continuation betting (c-betting) scenarios in case you miss the flop. A c-bet combined with fold equity is more likely to convince your opponent to fold and help you take the pot.
Limping is a passive move that doesn’t show hand strength or build fold equity. Furthermore, it’s likely that you’ll be re-raised by somebody who thinks they can steal the pot.
It makes sense to limp into pots in specific situations, like when your table is full of calling stations whom you can out-play post-flop. But most of the time, you should either fold, raise, re-raise, or call a raise/re-raise.
3 – Play in Position
The most desirable position to be in on any poker table is the dealer’s seat (a.k.a. the button) because you act last after other players. This means you have more info on opponents and can use their betting actions to judge their hand strength.
In contrast, the worst spots to be in are the seats closest to the dealer’s left (a.k.a. early position). Anybody raising from the spots should have good hand strength because they must make their bets before anybody else.
Here are the different table positions in a 6-max game:
- Early position = Small blind, big blind, seat to big blind’s left (under the gun or “UTG” ).
- Middle position = Seat to UTG’s left.
- Late position = Seat to the button’s right (a.k.a. the cut-off or “CO”) and the button.
The great thing about playing from the CO and late position is that you act after other players. If an early position TAG player makes a 3x-4xbb raise, you can fold something like KQs that you might otherwise play.
Early position is at a huge disadvantage because they could easily be re-raised by a later player. This is why you should narrow your hand range from this spot and avoid playing speculative hands.
The blinds act last before the flop. But they’re still considered early position because they act before everybody post-flop.
Middle position is aptly named because they’re sitting in an in-between spot. You can raise with a wider range here in unopened pots, but you still need to worry about the button and CO.
You’ll see table position play a heavy factor in the starting hand advice listed below.
4 – Follow a Starting Poker Hand Chart
I can’t stress enough how important is to base your strategy on the situation. This means that you shouldn’t always have a strict strategy for starting hands.
But a starting hand chart helps immensely in the beginning as you learn shorthanded Texas holdem.
If you’re coming from full ring holdem, or you’re new to poker overall, then you won’t have a good idea on what starting hands to play. But by following a chart, you can quickly master what hands play well on a shorthanded table.
Here’s a starting hand chart that shows when to raise, call, and 3-bet from each 6-max position. (Note that “s” means suited.)
Small Blind
- Raise = AA, KK, QQ, JJ, TT, 99, AKs, AK, AQs, AQ, AJs, AJ, KQs
- Limp = 88, 77, 66
- 3-bet (third bet on a street) = AA, KK, QQ
Big Blind
- Raise = AA, KK, QQ, JJ, TT, 99, AKs, AK, AQs, AQ, AJs, AJ, KQs
- Limp = N/A
- 3-bet = AA, KK, QQ
Under the Gun
- Raise = Most pocket pairs (AA to 44), AKs, AK, AQs, AQ, AJs, AJ, KQs
- Limp = No hands
- 3-bet = AA, KK, QQ
Middle Position
- Raise = Any pocket pair (22+); suited ace hands from AKs to A9s; offsuit ace hands from AK to AJ; and KQs, KQ, QJs
- Limp = Low pocket pairs (a.k.a. “set mining”); AKs, AK, AQs, AQ, KQs
- 3-bet = AA, KK, QQ
- Raise = Any pocket pair (22+); suited ace hands from AKs to A6s; offsuit ace hands from AK to AT; other suited hands from KQs to T8s; and other offsuit hands from KQ to JT
- Limp = Middle and lower pocket pairs
- 3-bet = AA, KK, QQ, JJ
- Raise = Any pocket pair (22+); any suited Ax combo; offsuit ace hands from AK to A9; other suited hands from KQs to 86s; other offsuit hands from KQ to T9
- Limp = Middle and lower pocket pairs
- 3-bet = AA, KK, QQ, JJ
You can see that there’s an overlap in hands you should raise and limp with regarding certain suited connectors and pocket pairs. I suggest either raising or folding these overlapping cards (no limping) until you have a better understanding of your opponents and the table dynamic.
Also note that these starting hands are for a shorthanded table with six players. You should loosen up your starting hand requirements even more when there are 5 or fewer players.
5 – Gradually Become More Aggressive
A starting hand chart should only serve as a base when learning shorthanded Texas holdem. The ultimate goal is to open up your play and take advantage of more opportunities.

This allows you to steal more pots and blinds, which is crucial with blind orbits coming around more often.
But the key is to gradually become more aggressive, rather than forcing raises and re-raises just to create a looser table image. Too many beginners read about becoming more aggressive, then force the action.
New shorthanded players should instead let their aggression come naturally as they gain experience. You’ll eventually recognize certain situations that allow you to open up your hand range and take advantage of the situation.
One great thing about playing aggressively is that it allows you to win pots through two ways.
- Forcing opponents to fold.
- Having the best hand at the showdown.
If you’re only limping into pots and calling raises, then you can’t win uncontested pots. Instead, you need to rely on having the best cards in these situations.
Once again, the key is to gain experience at shorthanded tables before opening up your hand range.
Start out by playing tight on shorthanded tables (Tip #1), then continue observing situations where it’s profitable to play aggressively with a wider range of hands.
6 – Changing Gears when Tournament Play Becomes Short Handed
You’ll run into shorthanded situations as poker tournaments move along. This is especially the case if you play online sit and go’s (SNGs), which consist of a single table.
You’ll also experience situations where play goes from shorthanded to full ring when multi-table tournaments consolidate tables.
In either case, you need the ability to change gears once play becomes full ring or shorthanded.
Full ring play requires a tighter style and starting hand requirements. The reason why is because you need a better overall hand to win in these situations.
But you should open up your play as soon as you see the table reduced to six or fewer players. This isn’t overly difficult as long as you’re paying attention and remember that you need to switch up your play on shorthanded tables.
It pays to be experienced with both full and 6-max up tables when making this happen. This is why I suggest that tournament players spend time in all different types of tourneys, so they can develop these skills.
MTTs start with full ring tables and see shorthanded tables develop along the way. But you can also find online 6-max tournaments that allow you to practice shorthand play.
As mentioned before, SNGs are great for practicing the transition from full ring to shorthanded play. You don’t have to play deep into SNGs to experience 6-max play, because they end relatively quickly.
Cash games make for good practice too, whether you need to work on 6-max or full ring play. But these aren’t perfect when practicing for tournaments, because you’re not dealing with short-stacked situations.
Cash players can reload their chip stacks at any time. Tournament players, on the other hand, are dealing with finite stacks.

This is why it’s nice to get specific experience in shorthanded tourney play. Doing so combines different stack sizes with the aggressive play that happens on 6-max tables.
7 – Always Consider that Your Opponent may Have Something
One more tip for shorthanded Texas holdem is to always consider that opponents can have a hand.
Shorthanded tables feature more semi-bluffing and pot stealing on a per-hand basis. But this doesn’t mean that players are bluffing every other hand.
You should assume that a player has good cards until you have more information on them. Don’t fall into the trap of worrying about bluffs just because 6-max players are more aggressive.
Keep an eye on your opponents and study their tendencies. If a TAG player is betting aggressively from early position, then it’s a sign that they probably have a great starting hand.
You’re better off folding and assuming they have something, rather than losing a much-bigger pot later on.
But if a loose-aggressive player is constantly trying to steal the blinds from late position, there’s a chance that they’re semi-bluffing.
The key is to build profiles on your opponents, then use this info to catch the small percentage of the time when you‘re being bluffed.
Poker fundamentals transition well across tables of any size. But you should still note the key differences when moving from a full ring to a shorthanded table.
The main thing that you should do is play more hands on 6-max tables. This helps you counteract the greater frequency of blinds and win more uncontested pots.
Beginners should slowly transition into being more aggressive. Use the starting hand chart that I covered before until you develop a good feel for 6-max play.
Of course, individual tables will call on you to vary your strategy based on the situation. And this is where experience helps you adapt to different situations.

In summary, shorthanded Texas holdem is a faster-paced game that’s really fun once you get the hang of the strategy. And if you become really good at these tables, you’re going to make even more money due to playing more hands per hour.
Every Texas holdem hand starts with the decision of whether or not to enter
the pot. Your starting hand selection is directly related to your results in
both the short and long term while playing holdem.
The simple mathematics show that if your starting hand is better than your
opponent’s starting hand you’ll win more often than they do. Of course Texas
holdem is a game of multiple layers in every hand so your starting hand is just
one part of the equation determining your long term success, but if you start
with a worse hand than your opponent’s more often than not, it’s almost
impossible to be a long term winning player.
Limit Texas holdem requires a stricter following of proper starting hand
election because you can’t win large multiples of your original commitment to
the pot when you hit a hand like you can at time while playing no limit.
Here’s an example:
If you’re playing limit Texas holdem and call a raise with pocket sevens and
complete a set on the flop there’s a strict limit to the amount you can win. In
a 10 / 20 game the average you’ll win is about $200, and almost half of that
will be the amount you put into the pot. In a no limit game at the same stakes,
you can win $1,000 or more on the same hand depending on the stack sizes.
You have the same odds of hitting a set in each situation but in a limit game
you rarely will see the proper return on your investment to make calling the
raise with a lower pocket pair profitable.
But it can also be costly in no limit play to play too loose with your
starting hands because you still start with a disadvantage that can be magnified
by the same things that let you win more when you hit a big hand. When you hit
your hand you still have to have an opponent who’s willing to pay you off.
You only complete a set on the flop roughly one out of every eight times you
start with a pocket pair, so if you call every time you lose your investment
most of the time. It’s irritating and costly when you finally hit a set and then
have your opponent fold when you raise. This is why when you hit a bi hand you
need to maximize your return as much as possible. This is because often you
won’t make a big return when your opponent doesn’t have a strong hand.
We’ve put together a 10 question quiz with multiple choices for answers after
each question. The quiz questions are included in the first section ad all of
the answers are together below the first section. Grab a piece of paper and
write down your answers before moving to the answer section.
You should also know that not every quiz question has a 100% correct answer.
Game conditions, your knowledge of your opponents, stack sizes, and other things
need to be considered in every situation while playing Texas holdem. And the
correct answer in one game may not be the best play in another.
We take as much into consideration as possible and explain the thought
process behind each solution so you can understand the way you need to think
about hands while playing. The real learning opportunity on this page is
learning how to think about your starting hand decisions in a multitude of
Quiz Questions
Quiz Question 1
You’re playing in a no limit Texas holdem tournament and three players have
to be eliminated before everyone left finishes in the money. You have a slightly
higher than average chip stack and can easily fold every hand until three more
players bust. At the beginning of the tournament your goal was to finish in the
money. You’re first to act and find pocket aces in your hand. What do you do?
- Move all in
- Make a normal sized raise
- Make a raise two times the normal amount
- Fold
- Limp
Quiz Question 2
You’re playing in the same tournament with the same situation as the first
question, three of your opponents have larger stacks than you, but you’re playing to
win the tournament, not just slip into the money. What do you do with pocket
aces from early position?
- Move all in
- Make a normal sized raise
- Make a raise of two times the normal amount
- Fold
- Limp
Quiz Question 3
In an extremely tight no limit Texas holdem game how should you adjust your
starting hand selection criteria overall? An extremely tight game is one where
almost every flop is only seen by two or three players at the most and most
hands have a raise and everyone else folds before the flop.
- Don’t change your starting hand criteria
- Play tighter than normal
- Play slightly looser than normal
- Play much looser than normal
Quiz Question 4
The situation is the same as in quiz 3, but the game is limit Texas holdem
instead of no limit. Does this change your decision? How does this change your
normal starting hand selection criteria?
- Don’t change your starting hand criteria
- Play tighter than normal
- Play slightly looser than normal
- Play much looser than normal
Quiz Question 5
What’s the most important factor when deciding which starting hands to play
in any Texas holdem game?
- Your table image
- Your position relative to the dealer button
- Your actual starting hand
- Your opponents
Quiz Question 6
You’re on the button in a limit Texas holdem game before the flop with pocket
kings and face a raise and a re-raise. What should you do?
- Fold
- Call
- Raise
Quiz Question 7
You’re in the small blind in a limit Texas holdem game with pocket fives, the
first player to act raised and one player raised again. What should you do?
- Fold
- Call
- Raise
Quiz Question 8
You’re in the same situation as in quiz 7 but you’re playing in a no limit
game. All three players involved in the hand have deep stacks.
- Fold
- Call
- Raise
Quiz Question 9
The last three times you played pocket queens you’ve lost and you’re facing a
raise in late position in a limit Texas holdem game. What do you do?
- Fold
- Call
- Raise
Quiz Question 10
Suited connectors can be tricky to play in Texas holdem. Where can you play
jack 10 suited from in most Texas holdem games? Pick all that apply.
- Early position
- Middle position
- Late position
- The blinds
Quiz Answers
Quiz Answer 1
The only way to guaranteed that you finish in the money is by folding, and
your stated goal is to finish in the money, so if this is still your goal you
should fold. But if you can’t play the best starting hand in the game when you
receive it how can you hope to be a long term winning player?
Remember that most players at this point in a tournament are hoping to sneak
into the money before taking further chances. This means that unless someone has
a strong hand they’re likely to fold to a raise.
Our recommendation is to consider moving all in if you’re in this situation.
The likely outcome will be everyone folds and you pick up the blinds. But if
someone calls you stand a great chance to double up or at least increase your
stack considerably, to give you a realistic shot at having enough chips to
compete for a chance to win the entire tournament.
Yes if you get called enough times with pocket aces eventually someone will
draw out on you and you’ll be knocked out of the tournament. But in the long run
playing pocket aces is a positive expectation play.
Positive expectation means if you play the exact same situation over and over
that on average you win more money than you lose. This is the way you should
look at every situation and decision you make while playing Texas holdem. Will
this decision make money or lose money in the long run.
The other two choices in this situation are to raise a normal amount or
around twice the normal amount. At the end of the day you can play pocket aces
either way and it’ll be a positive expectation situation.
One of the keys is determining where to draw the line about which hands to
play and which ones to fold. You also need to be able to make a quick decision
about your chances to make the money verses increasing your stack size.
Do you play pocket kings in this situation or fold them? What about pocket
queens or jacks? Where do you draw the line?
If you need to make the money so badly that you can’t play to win the
tournament you probably don’t have a big enough bankroll to play. Just sneaking
into the money usually doubles your entry fee, which is good, but much larger
amounts are available for the top few players.
It’s an excellent idea to know how you plan to play in situations like the
one we’re discussing here. The less you have to decide while playing the better
because it frees your mind for other important things like pot odds and positive
expectation computations.
Quiz Answer 2
In this situation your goal is to get as much money into the pot as possible
while having a good chance of at least one of your opponents remaining in the
pot. If you can get all in with one or two callers it’s the ultimate goal.
Folding is out of the question and moving all in will probably make all of
your opponents fold. This only wins the blinds, so it’s not the best option
before the flop. This leaves the two other raise options.
Of course you want to try to get all in eventually, so which raise option
gives you the best chance to get all in? At this point in the tournament a
normal sized raise often looks like an attempt to steal the blinds because most
players are folding in hopes of making the money.
A raise of two times the normal amount will look out of place to experienced
players and may actually hurt your chances of being called or re-raised.
If you’re sitting at a table with a big stack who’s been pushing the table
around you might even get them to re-raise your normal sized raise. When this
happens you need to consider the size of the raise and your stack size. If a
call makes you pot committed, you should re-raise all in, but if your stack is
deep you can consider calling and then checking and raising all in on the flop.
Once you make the initial raise before the flop folding the hand later is
almost impossible. Every once in a while the flop will be ugly, but it probably
missed your opponent too. A flop all of one suit that doesn’t match one of your
aces is the worst flop for you, but you still have to play your hand as if it’s
The last option is to limp, or simply call the big blind. This is rarely a
good option in this situation because it often looks out of place like an
oversized raise, but it can work. If you have two big stacks at your table who
seem to be taking turns raising the pot to squeeze the players trying to sneak
into the money you may be able to limp into the pot and have one of them raise
behind you.
This is dangerous because if they don’t raise, you’ve missed an opportunity to
get more money in the pot. You also need to consider how you’re going to play
the hand after they raise. If you limp, they raise, and then you move all in it
screams that you have a huge hand. So if you limp you’re almost committed to
calling a raise and seeing the flop.
In most situations making a normal sized raise is the best play, but consider
your other options based on the previous play at your table.
Quiz Answer 3
Generally the best way to play in a no limit Texas holdem game is the
opposite of everyone else.
So if the table is extremely tight you want to play
Poker Hands In Texas Holdem
It can be dangerous to play too loose, so playing a little more loose
than normal is the best way to make your first adjustment.
On the other hand, if the table is playing loose as a whole, which is more
likely than an overly tight table, you should lean toward playing tighter. You
can afford to wait for your best hands because you can usually win more when you
have them because more players are in the pot.
You also need to constantly monitor the table, because a tight game can
quickly loosen up and a loose game can tighten up. It’s also important to
recognize which players are tight and loose.
When a table is tight and you start to loosen up your starting hand
selections you should enter most pots that you play with a raise. While this can
also be a strong way to normally play it’s more important in a tight game
because you may win quite a few blinds uncontested. This can add up quickly.
Quiz Answer 4
In a limit Texas holdem game the answer is much like the answer to quiz 3, but
you can’t afford to be too loose no matter how tight the table is playing.
You should still loosen up a little bit, but it’s more important than ever to enter
the pot with a raise.
Because you’re limited to the amount you win on each hand you need to build a
bank of winning the blinds by playing aggressively to make up for your slightly
looser starting hand selection.
Limit holdem is firmly based in starting the hand with a better hand on
average than your opponents and making the correct plays the rest of the hand
based on pot odds and positive expectation.
This is why you can’t loosen up your starting hand requirements too much.
Quiz Answer 5
Your actual starting hand is always going to be the most important factor of
the four listed in Texas holdem, but it’s closely followed by your position.
Your opponents are also important, and your table image is the least important
of the four listed.
Your table image is important, but the reason it’s the least important of the
four choices is because some of your opponents won’t be paying close enough
attention to have any idea what your table image is.
Knowing as much as possible about each of your opponents is important because
you can use the information to improve your chances to win. Often an extra bet
or two per playing session can add a great deal to your bottom line, and the way
to get the extra bet or two is by knowing your opponent’s playing tendencies.
But you still have to play good starting hands and use your position.
Learning how to use your position while playing Texas holdem and how to
consider your position while selecting hands to play and fold is one of the
biggest steps in a winning holdem player’s career. You need to consider your
position before making any decision at the holdem table.
But nothing matters if you don’t have a starting hand that can be played
So the most important thing will always be the actual cards in your
Quiz Answer 6
Pocket kings are the second best starting hand in Texas holdem. This means
you have to play them like they’re the best hand until it’s clear that you’re
While there’s a slim chance that an opponent has pocket aces, it rarely
happens when you have pocket kings.
You should continue betting and raising throughout the hand unless an ace hits
the board. At that point you should switch to checking and calling, but by the
time the ace hits the board the pot odds are good enough to call the hand down
because your opponent won’t always have the ace, and you still have two outs
even if they do have an ace.
The way you play in a no limit game in the same situation, may be a little
different, based on the stack sizes and what you know about your opponent’s, but
kings are still the second best starting hand so you need to play them
aggressively in all except the most dangerous situations.
Quiz Answer 7
With pocket fives against at least two opponents you’re almost certainly
going to have to hit a set to win. You also need to consider the strong
possibility that the big blind will call, and the original person who raised may
Your decision needs to be based on pot odds. So you need to decide if the
reward when you hit your hand will be big enough to cover all of the times you
don’t hit your hand.
You know that you’ll hit your set on the flop roughly one out of every eight
times you play. The pot only has about four times the amount you have to call in
it at this point so the odds aren’t even close to being in your favor.
This is an easy folding situation in a limit game, even though you already
have a small blind in the pot.
But most players make this call every time. This
is a huge leak in most players’ game, and the thing that separates the winners
from the losers.
Don’t be tempted to play negative expectation hands and situations just
because you’re in the blinds. Simply fold and wait for a better hand to enter
the pot.
Quiz Answer 8
In a no limit game you have the chance to win a greater amount later in the
hand when you hit a set, so the decision is more difficult.
In this exact situation, the correct play is still a fold most of the time.
The danger is the two players who still need to act behind you. The big blind
still has to act, and even if they fold the first player who raised may
re-raise. What are you going to do if you call the raise and then the original
player moves all in? You’re stuck in a situation where you’ve committed more
chips to the pot but can’t call because you’re almost certainly behind in the
It’s possible the pot odds could be close to correct if this happens, but
it’s still a mistake because you shouldn’t have been in the pot in the first
place an part of the new pot odds include the money you put in from the first
The reason you can play pocket fives in no limit Texas holdem in many
situations is because when you hit a set your hand is disguised so you stand a
good chance of winning more later in the hand against higher pairs. But in this
situation this advantage is negated because of the chance of being re-raised.
You want to play smaller and medium pairs against a single pre flop raise.
Some of the best no limit players simply don’t play any small pocket pairs
because they still lose sometimes when they hit a set, and the times this
happens they usually lose their entire stack. When you play a small pocket pair
and hit a set you try to get all in because that’s how you make money. You have
to maximize the amount you win when you hit a strong hand, but when another
player hits a bigger set this means you lose a huge pot.
Once you consider all of these things you still need to fold the pocket
fives, because it’s still a negative expectation situation in the long run.
Quiz Answer 9
What happened the last time, or the last three times, you played a particular
hand has nothing to do with how you should play the hand in the future. The only
thing that matters is if the situation is a positive or negative expectation
Pocket queens are the third best starting hand in Texas holdem so before the
flop you need to play them aggressively. This is especially true in limit Texas
In this hand you have position and a strong hand.
Once you see the flop you may want to slow down if it has
an ace, but you should still usually call down to the show down because your
queens will still be good many times.
It’s easy to get gun shy when a particular starting hand hasn’t worked out
well recently, but remember that the cards don’t have a memory and you need to
maximize your wins when you have a good hand.
The only possible exception to this rule is if you know how the player who
raised plays and she never raises from early position with anything except
pocket kings or aces. This is such a rare thing that even if you’re 95% sure
they play this way you should still call for a single raise.
Quiz Answer 10
The answer is from late position and the blinds in a pot that hasn’t been
raised. The truth is if you always fold suited jack 10 you won’t be giving up
much in expected value. Most players don’t play well enough after the flop to
make them profitable in the long run.
The danger in playing this hand usually isn’t the pre flop call; it’s not
being able to get away from them after the flop when you should.
When you flop a pair it’s rarely the best hand and many players want to
continue chasing the hand when they have a pair. If you flop a flush or flush
draw you still don’t have the top possible flush. You actually have a draw to
the fourth best flush, or have the fourth best possible flush.
You can flop a nut straight or a nut straight draw, but most of the time if
you flop a straight draw it won’t be the best possible hand. And you know that
many players play hands with face cards so you’re on the low end of most draws,
which means you can hit a straight and still lose.
This usually means you either lose a big pot or win a small one.
This is why folding this hand may be best in all situations.
Limit Texas holdem can be less dangerous than no limit with these hands
because of the limited betting structure, but even it can be a negative
expectation situation. In no limit play, unless you’re one of the best post flop
players middle suited connectors can be even more costly.
If you do play jack 10 suited you need to be in late position most of the
time so you can see how the other players are playing the hand and you have the
opportunity to take a free card on some streets. If you flop a straight draw or
a flush draw it can make a big difference if you can see the turn or river for
free instead of being forced to commit more to the pot on a draw.
How did you do on the quiz? As you read the answers you probably noticed that
most of the situations didn’t have an answer that was correct 100% of the time.
This is the case with many situations while playing Texas holdem, but most of
the time one way to play is better than the others.
Use these quiz questions and answers to help you learn more about how to make
decisions at the table. Learn all of the things you need to consider while
playing and how to use them to your advantage. And finally, never stop trying to
learn and become a better player. Your bankroll will always be better off when
you become a better player through study and experience.