Do's And Don Ts Of Blackjack

  1. Don'ts
  2. Do's & Don'ts Meaning
  3. Do's And Don'ts Spelling

Live Dealer Blackjack is supposed to be not only fun to play, but also one of the better games in the casino in terms of house edge. But if a player is clueless about the essential Dos and Don’ts, it won’t be either.

As any reputable guide on casino gambling will tell you, in order to continue playing your favorite games and stay in the game, proper money management is essential. Also, you need to be properly capitalized, with a sufficient extra reserve to allow for the inevitable losing streaks and bad swings that are part of every game. This is true not only for games like slots where no special skill is required, but also for all forms of blackjack, including live dealer blackjack, where the outcome depends on luck and skill combined.

In order to succeed at blackjack, familiarity with the basics is necessary as well. And because specific rules vary, you also need to know what they are for the particular version of the game you are playing.

The Dozen Dos and Don’ts in this two part article cover all of these topics. Most of them apply to any blackjack game, while a few are specifically meant for Live Dealer Blackjack. Here in Part I we will discuss the most important Dos for Live Dealer Blackjack players . Then, in Part II we will discuss the most important things that Live Dealer Blackjack players should not do.

Part I: What Live Dealer Blackjack Players Should Do

HOME Blackjack Guide Blackjack Dealer Tells: Dos and Don’ts “Tell” is a word that has many meanings. But for an avid blackjack player who is in perpetual pursuit of ways to gain at least a little bit of edge over the casino, “tell” could be a very important word.

  1. There Blackjack Dos And Don'ts are also other types of casino software like Microgaming, Playtech, and Rival which do Blackjack Dos And Don'ts not require any bonus or coupon code. After you have duly registered and logged into your account the no deposit bonus will be credited accordingly.
  2. DON’T buy into the superstitions of blackjack players who think that if someone at the table plays a hand incorrectly it will change the order of the cards and start everyone losing if everyone has been winning. No one knows the order of the cards or whether the decision a player makes will win the players more money or less money.
  3. Even if there’s no official rule that using a phone is forbidden, it is generally considered rude to do so when in a company. Leave the phone in your bag or a pocket, or anywhere you want for that matter; just don’t put it on a gambling table or use it while the game is on.

Six Things That Belong on Every Live Dealer Blackjack Player’s List of To Dos

1. Do familiarize yourself with the rules of the game beforehand.

It is okay to ask questions at the table, but overdoing it slows down the game and will annoy other players.

2. Do take the time to learn the correct basic strategy beforehand.

Extensive statistical analysis of the game of blackjack shows that there is an optimum way to play each hand you are dealt. This recommended way of playing is known as basic strategy.

Following basic strategy doesn’t guarantee winning when it comes to any given hand, but if one were to make many thousands of bets of that nature, the results would show that winning occurs more frequently if the hand is played according to correct basic strategy than if it is played some other way.

Furthermore, in addition to the standard basic strategy that applies across the board to all blackjack games, depending on the particular version of the game you are playing and its specific rules, some adjustments in basic strategy may be necessary. For example, when a dealer hits rather than stands on soft 17, which is the case in Live Dealer Blackjack, the correct basic strategy is to double down on a starting hand of 11, rather than hit, against a dealer Ace.

Therefore, unless you are playing purely for fun and don’t give a hoot if you win, you need to be able to play your hands correctly. Learning the proper basic strategy both for blackjack in general and for the specific version of the game you are playing and applying it all times is a must. Correct basic strategy can’t erase the house edge entirely, but it can keep it at a level that makes playing Live Dealer Blackjack a smart choice. If you’re new to the game or haven’t played in a while, keeping a basic strategy chart by your side and referring to it as necessary is fine.

3. Do set aside a realistic bankroll or budget for your blackjack play.

Blackjack can be a volatile game. Bad runs of cards can and do happen and possibly extend over multiple sessions. So it is far better to be prepared than not be prepared for the worst case scenario. For example, for an average bet of $10, your minimum total bankroll for playing blackjack should probably be no less than $3,000 and your buy-in for each session $250 to $300.

Of course, if you see the cards are not going your way, no need to wait until you are out of funds completely to get up from the table. For example, if you start with $300, but are down to only $150, it might be time to pack it in for that session rather than risk losing more.

In any case, never reach for more money on top of your starting stake. Have your credit cards far away from where you are playing so you won’t be as tempted to reach for them when your online account is empty. Set aside a realistic total bankroll as well as a bankroll for each playing session and stick to it.


4. Do understand that Live Dealer Blackjack, like all casino games, has a built-in house edge.

Therefore, even if you play perfectly, you won’t always win. In fact, your results from any given session can deviate markedly in either direction from the expected results. That’s because it is only after many, many rounds of play that the true house edge manifests itself.

5. Do take full advantage of the social aspects of the game.


Engage in light conversation with the dealer and other players. Even when you are not winning, try to maintain a cheerful upbeat mood at all times.

6. Do get to know the other players at the table.

It can work to your advantage to get to know the other players at the table. This does not necessarily mean personally, although starting a friendship with someone you meet playing Live Dealer Blackjack is certainly a possibility. But after a few minutes of play, you should be getting a feel for which of the other players at the table know what they’re doing and which ones don’t.

If you decide to use the Bet Behind feature (described in my last post), you want to have your money riding on the bet of not only a lucky player, but also a good player!

Blackjack is without a doubt a game of skill that demands knowledge of the blackjack rules, blackjack strategy and even some blackjack tips. The last will help you avoid the most common mistakes when playing both in land and online casinos and eliminate factors that can somehow influence your odds. Below you will find the list of most common Do's and Don'ts when you want to play blackjack online.

Blackjack Basic Tips

The quick blackjack tips below will show you the main things you have to remember when learning how to play blackjack if you want to end up a winner. Pay attention, as some tips are only useful in online casinos and vice versa. For a list of most common tips for land casino players, take a look at our article 'ground casino rules'.

Do's & Don'ts Meaning

1.Decide what bankroll is appropriate for your game.1.Start a real money game without learning the basic strategy.
2.Choose the table according to the money you have. 2.Exceed the bankroll limit you have chosen.
3.Use the betting cycles.3.Act like the dealer.
4.Withdraw half of your money once you win a big amount.4.Relax and count on winning all the time.
5.Aim to get closer to 21, not to beat the dealer.5.Take the insurance bet.

Blackjack Tips In Detail

Right now let's talk about each of the abovementioned tips in a little more details.

  • Decide what bankroll is appropriate for the game. This will help you control your winnings or/and losses. You will also feel more confident and not worry about how much to bet and when to leave.
  • Never start a real money game without learning the Basic Strategy. Do not forget that blackjack is a mathematical game, therefore follow the recommendations to help you win regularly and reduce the casinos edge.
  • Choose the table you play according to the money you have. Do not go for a table where the limit is higher than 1/20 of the bankroll you have. This way you can make your game long enough to be enjoyable and enables you to win.
  • Do not exceed the limit you have chosen and know when to stop the game and leave, no matter how bad or good you are. This means that if you are on a losing streak keep yourself from betting more to try and win back and if you are on a winning streak leave before you risk too much.
  • Do not forget about betting cycles, bet more when winning and bet less when losing. Betting cycles help you to make quick solutions while playing. However, do not forget about your bankroll.
  • Do not act like the dealer! The Dealer plays in favor of the casino and if you both go bust the casino wins. That is why you should use your extra options like Doubling and Splitting.
  • Withdraw half of your money once you win a big amount. This way you will protect at least half of your winnings. Moreover, you will definitely leave the casino with some money and in a good mood.
  • Do not count on winning all the time. Remember that winning and losing cycles are all part of the game, so relax and try betting less. Do not forget that this is just a game and do not get disappointed if you lose.
  • The aim of the game remains to get closest to 21 but beating the dealer is the second one. Do not get distracted by the fact the dealer may have a high up card, follow the basic strategy and know when you are to risk and when you should stand.
  • No matter what, ignore the insurance bet! This bet favors the casino and should only be used only by experienced card-counters. Remember that this bet will not help you win as a result, but only take more money away from you.

Do's And Don'ts Spelling

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