Casino Myths

  1. Casino Myths And Facts
  2. Casino Myths And Facts
  3. Casino Myths

Myth #1: Online casinos aren’t secure When online casinos were in their infancy, this may have been a concern, as there were some shady sites out there. These days, security is top-notch and safe online gambling is paramount to operators. Online Casinos Don’t Payout. This is one of the main reasons why brick and mortar gamblers avoid.

By John Grochowski
Have you heard the one about the hot craps table, where you just couldn’t lose? Or the cold table where you just couldn’t win?

What about the one about the roulette dealer who could make the ball land wherever he wanted?

Casino lore can be a hit or myth propositon --- as in should the blackjack player seated at third base take one for the team, or is that just a myth?

Sometimes the things people believe about casinos and casino games myth by a mile. Let’s tackle a list of 10 casino myths and do a little busting.

1. Blackjack: The third baseman is a team player, and shouldn't take the dealer's bust card. Wouldn’t it be nice if we knew whether or not the next card in the deck would make the dealer’s handgo bust? When you’re sitting at third base --- the last position at the table to play before the dealer --- and you’re pondering whether to hit your 12 against a dealer’s deuce, or whether todouble down on your Ace-7 vs. a dealer’s 6, wouldn’t you like to be sure if you’re taking the dealer’s bust card?

Problem is, we don’t know what the dealer has face down, and we don’t know what the next card is. The proper basic strategy plays are to hit 12 against 2, and to double down on your soft 18against a 6. But third basemen sometimes get hassled over such plays by those who seem to think there’s something mystical about the order of the cards.

That happened recently to Al, an acquaintance of mine who was baffled by the reaction when he doubled on Ace-7 against a 6.

'I'd just doubled down, and a guy at the other end of the table said, 'You're not a team player,' he said. “And the woman next to him said, 'If you're going to make plays like that, wedon't want to play with you.' And they picked up their chips and left.'

They wanted him to make a bad play, to take one for the team, because they thought he was taking the dealer’s bust card. That’s silly on several levels. When the dealer has a 6 up, there's noguarantee he or she has a high enough card face down that it can be busted with a one-card draw. And even if the dealer does have a high card face down, there's no guarantee that the next cardwill be the bust card. A player who takes a hit at third base — or, in Al's case, doubles down — could just as easily be taking a low card that would make the dealer's hand. He’ll save thetable with that play as often as he hurts it.

Ultimately, the third baseman must make the best play for his own hand. Unless the rest of the table is subsidizing his play, satisfying other players is not his responsibility.

2. Craps: A hot table is likely to stay hot, a cold table is likely to stay cold. Craps players are always looking for hot tables, and avoiding cold ones. But unless you’re dealing withcontrolled rollers, a la Frank Scoblete and his Golden Touch Craps team, I’ve never really seen a reason why a hot table should stay hot, or a cold table stay cold. We are dealing with dice,after all, that don’t know what the previous results have been.


Several years ago, I put it to the test. For nearly a year, every time I was in a casino in the Midwest, South and in Nevada, I stopped by a craps table, waited until I saw twoconsecutive passes, then tracked the result of the next decision --- not as good a sample as a million-hand computer run, but a lot more time-consuming.

The result: Pass bettors won 489 wagers and lost 511 on the next sequence after two consecutive wins. That's close enough to the mathematical expectation of 493 wins and 507 losses that we cansay the percentages held up in this trial.

I also watched 1,000 trials that started with two don’t passes, then charted the next decision. The dice passed 496 times in those 1,000 trials --- just three more passes than the expectedaverage. There were only 28 rolls of 12 on this test, so don't players won 476 bets and lost 496, slightly below their expectation of 479 wins per 972 trials.

Now, a thousand trials each way isn’t enough to satisfy a statistician, but if hot tables stay hot and cold tables stay cold, well, you can’t prove it by me.
3. Roulette: An experienced dealer can make the ball land where he pleases. If a dealer has enough experience and practice, do you think he or she can hit numbers at will? An awful lot ofpeople do.

Dealers I know scoff at the notion. With the wheel spinning one way, the ball going in the opposite direction, bouncing on the surface and from fret to fret separating the numbers, there arefar too many physical variables for a dealer to control where the ball will land.

Dealers not only can't control where the ball is going, their employers don't want them to. As long as the results are random, the casino makes its money. With a random wheel, the house has a5.26 percent house edge on a double-zero game that is unchanging. However, if a dealer could control what numbers were coming up, there's a chance someone would be in on the secret and take alot of money from the casino. That's the last thing the owners want. Random games mean big profits for the operators. Taking the randomness out increases operator risk.

4. Video poker: On a one-card draw, you're likely to draw a card of the same denomination. Dave is a friend of mine who is a good, well-read, well-practiced video poker player. After a short,frustrating session in which he lost all the money he cared to risk for one day, he phoned me to rant.

“Every time I had a one-card draw, the card I drew was the same value as the card I discarded,” he complained.

I suggested there might be a little selective memory at work, and after he let off a little steam, he agreed. Maybe it wasn’t EVERY time.

Mescalero casino resortMyths

On the average, one of every 15.67 one-card draws in video poker will bring a card of the same value. If it happened EVERY time, it would be a plus when we have four cards to a flush --- if wediscard a 4, for example, one of the remaining three 4s will complete our flush. That 1 in 3 chance is far better than the 1 in 5.2 chance we really have on a one-card flush draw. On thenegative side, if we were guaranteed a same-value card on every one-card draw, we’d never fill out a four-card straight or turn two pair into a full house.
In the short term, if we get two or three same-card draws close together, we start thinking the machine is doing it all the time. But when you keep careful track of results, the effectdisappears.


That’s what I do. In one session, when it seemed like I was getting a lot of same-card, one-card draws, I started counting results. When the next six one-card draws brought different valuecards, I stopped counting. I really knew the answer before I started. Coincidences sometimes seem like patterns, but machines aren’t really programmed to give you the same card when you drawone.

5. Baccarat: Just as in blackjack, counting cards can help you win. Baccarat is a card game decided by the totals of two or more cards, as is blackjack. So maybe, just maybe, counting the cardscan give the player an edge, just as blackjack card counters can get a mathematical edge on the house. Right?
Well, yes, but not in any practical way. Favorable situations are really rare. The late Peter Griffin wrote in “The Theory of Blackjack” that a baccarat player who doesn't bet unless hehas an advantage can squeeze an edge of about 0.7 percent of his maximum bets on banker and player. However, that player might play only about three hands per eight hours. That's watching, notplaying.

For bets on ties, it's theoretically possible to count down to a 24 percent edge with six cards remaining, provided all the cards are dealt out. In the real world, nobody deals out all thecards, and with one-half deck cut out of play, the bettor's potential edge on the last hand shrinks to just .08 percent. With just a small reservation, we can say the myth of the baccarat cardcounter is JUST a myth.

6. Slot machines: You're more likely to hit a jackpot in a busy casino. I once read a book in which the author advised slot players to play at peak times in busy casinos, because that's whenthe most jackpots are hit. And it's true. More jackpots are hit at peak times in busy casinos than when the casinos aren't so busy.

Why? Because slot machines are played more often at peak times. How does that affect my chances of winning? Not at all.

Let's say I'm in a casino with 1,000 slot machines, each programmed to pay off the top jackpot about once per 20,000 pulls. It's Saturday night, so every machine is busy, all with steadyplayers spinning the reels at about 500 pulls per hour. In two hours the reels spin a collective 1 million times, and, if the machines hit right on the average, 50 jackpots are paid. One inevery 20 players has a big payday. If I'm not one of them, I've at least seen a few jackpots paid.

Now let's say I return early Wednesday morning. Only 100 slot players are in the casino, playing the same 500 pulls per hour as those on the busier night. In two hours, the reels spin only100,000 times, only 10 percent as much as on the busy night. If the machines hit right on the average, only five jackpots are paid.

Fifty jackpots on the busy night. Five on the slow day.

But with only 100 players in the casino, those five jackpots mean one in every 20 players has a big payday --- the same as on the busy night. My chances of being one of those to hit the jackpotare the same on the calm day as on the busy night. I don’t really care how many jackpots are being hit around me. I care about what’s on my own machine. And the presence of a crowd doesn’tchange that one way or the other.

7. Poker: Changing seats can change your luck. There’s nothing any more magical about the order in which the cards come out in poker than there is in blackjack or any other card game. Ifyou’re changing seats because you’ve been getting bad cards and you think moving will bring you better hands, well, good luck to you.

Now, there are perfectly legitimate reasons to change seats. If you’re playing at home and a seat opens that’s closer to the refrigerator, by all means, grab it. If you’re next to a smoker andsee clearer air across the table, go for it.
There are legitimate poker reasons, too. If you see a player at the table who you think you can take advantage of from a different betting position, that’s a move-worthy reason. If you’re onthe other end of the stick, and a player betting before you has you on edge, change seats.

But if you think another seat will bring better cards ... well, there’s as much chance your old seat will get better cards as that your new one will. Past deals have no effect on those in thefuture.

8. Blackjack: It's impossible to count cards in a six-deck game; you'd have to be the Rain Man. On my radio show, I recently had a caller tell me he thought it was impossible to countcards. That showed mostly that he misunderstood what card counters do.

Counting cards does not mean memorizing every card in the deck that’s played. It’s keeping track of the balance of high cards vs. low cards remaining to be played. In a balanced count such asthe common Hi-Lo, if you see a 10 and a 6 come out, you’ve seen a high card and a low card. They cancel each out, you add nothing to your count, and you move on. You don’t have to remember thespecific cards that have been played.

Using a plus-and-minus system, it’s not difficult to count cards, no matter how many decks are in play. Applying the count to your bet size, estimating the number of decks remaining to beplayed, making the changes to basic strategy dictated by the count, keeping your bets appropriate to the size of your bankroll, coping with the distractions in a casino environment --- that canbe difficult. Few would-be counters can keep all that under control.
But just counting the cards --- is that impossible? No.
9. All table games: Money management systems can overcome the house's mathematical edge. A reader once sent me a system that he swore would beat craps. It involved managing his money byincreasing and decreasing his bets according to previous results. Nothing as drastic as a double-your-bet Martingale, but still calling for larger bets in losing streaks.
He provided a chart that showed a profit over a million trials on the computer. He said his minimum bet was $1, and he tried to keep his maximum to $10,000. Where he planned to find a realcasino that would let you spread bets from $1 to $10,000, I don’t know.
What he tried to downplay was that he exceeded his $10,000 “limit” four times, and outside those four trials, his system lost money.
Leaving aside the table minimums and maximums, money management systems fail to beat the casino because the house edge is the same on every roll of the dice, every spin of the roulette wheel.That you’re betting more money on this roll than the last makes no difference to the dice or the wheel. They have no memory and don’t know whether you’ve won or lost.
Money management systems can be useful ways to discipline yourself to stay within your bankroll. But to change the edge that is as solid as math can be?
That’s just a myth.
10. Any casino game: The longer you've gone without something happening, the more likely it is to happen. This is one roulette players love. If black numbers have come up six times in a row,then the next one has to be red, doesn’t it? If it’s been 100 spins since the last time the ball landed in 00, isn’t it time to start betting on 00?
No. In almost all cases, such results are just coincidences. Of the 38 numbers on a double-zero wheel, 18 are red, 18 are black, two are green. The chances of the ball landing on a red numberare 18 in 38 --- on every spin of the wheel. The chances of 00 or any other single number turning up are 1 in 38 --- on every spin of the wheel.
There’s an outside chance that there’s something wrong with the wheel, that it’s out of balance or the frets aren’t right, and that’s the reason certain numbers haven’t hit in a while. Suchsituations are rare, but if there’s a physical reason a number isn’t turning up, then it won’t start hitting now just because it seems to be due.
No matter whether you’re playing roulette, craps, slots, video poker, the Big Six wheel or nearly any other game, past results make no difference. And that’s no myth.

John is the author of six books on casino games, including 'The Slot Machine Answer Book.' You can find his weekly column at

1. Card Counting is Illegal

Despite the persistence of the media and portrayal of card counting in pop culture such as 21 (2008), card counting is not in of itself illegal. Casinos are known to not be particularly fond of this method of mathematical gambling however it is not a prosecutable offence. It has led to one of the biggest blackjack myths as it is primarily used by ‘21’ players. You are technically allowed to count the deck and keep track of cards for your advantage as long as it does not interfere with the gameplay. Using your own deck, for example, is highly illegal.

Casinos try to prevent this strategy by switching the dealer and thus the deck to another table ruining the players count. Card counting is also impossible when blackjack is played online as it is completely down to a random number generator. Even if the player is successful from counting cards. Casinos are counting on the players recycling their winnings at the craps table or in slot machines so more often than not, the establishment wins either way.

2. Casino Games are Rigged

Perhaps the most common rhetoric used by losing players, casino games are not rigged to benefit the house. Casino games are generally very fair as long as you play in a licensed establishment. Gambling commissions around the world are trusted to regulate all forms of casino betting and gambling to protect the player from casino exploitation. It is true in some sense that certain casino games enable the house to have the edge of advantage however most of it is down to chance and probability.

Many also make a case against online casinos being programmed to give the house the probabilistic advantage. However, these online casino games are constructed using random number generators or RNG which is present in all forms of computer-based games. It controls the probability of each outcome that a player can achieve, using real-world stats to construct these systems. So, to sum up, an individual’s success with casino games come down to the skill of the player and an element of luck rather than the supposed deviance of the casino establishment.

If you play in a regulated market, then you can really play with a lot of confidence that the games are fair and that they are not rigged. For example, if you choose to play at any of the best online casino sites UK, then you are playing under the protection of the Gambling Commission.

3. Poker Is a Game of Luck

A massive misconception with poker is that the game comes down to luck much rather than the skill and strategy of the player. This, however, could not be further from the truth. Poker’s boom of the 1970s attracted people from all over the world due to its unique gameplay and potential. After many rounds of highly effective marketing, the poker image of anyone can win was set in stone and it quickly became a gambling phenomenon. Players with a very amateur understanding of the game quickly realized however winning was not as simple as getting lucky.

In the long term, a greater understanding of the game and a substantial level of individual skill leads to greater winnings and success. Competitive poker, for this reason, has become a popular spectator sport with large scale tournaments taking place all year round. Some of the biggest and most successful poker players such as Stu Ungar and Erik Seidel spent years mastering their craft enabling them to reach the level they frequent now. Most certainly not a game of luck, one of the greatest poker myths is therefore debunked.

4. Slot Machines Are Due to Payout

Slot machine myths find themselves at the chaotic epicenter of gambling misconceptions with many pertaining to their engineered outcomes. An endless list of cases against slot machines exists, many cite their addictive nature by taking advantage of certain psychological vulnerabilities. Some people also believe that slot machines only pay after a certain number of rounds have been concluded however this is far from the truth. Each spin of a slot machine is entirely random and there is no point where the machine is programmed to suddenly payout.

Online slot machines are no different and still follow the same pattern as their physical counterparts, as well as other casino games they are heavily regulated by national gambling commission ensuring the protection of all players. A similar myth that slot machines go on hot/cold streaks can also be dispersed on this same basis. Slot machines are completely random similar to many other casino games. This is another casino myth which has been proven to be false on many occasions.

Casino Myths And Facts

Other Noteworthy Myths in Gambling

Although we have already covered some of the most popular myths, here are some more briefly explained and debunked.

Casino Myths And Facts

  • Internet gambling is prohibited: Although there are locations where gambling is outlawed such as China, internet gambling is easily accessible for all those over 18 in both Europe and the United States. With games such as poker and slot machines being the most popular online choices.
  • All gamblers engage in criminal activity: While this is true in some cases most gamblers stay on the right side of the law and avoid these prohibited activities. Only a small percentage of individuals attempt to break the rules such as using a tampered deck or compromising the dealer which along with many other offences are prosecutable.
  • Casinos pump oxygen into the air to keep you gambling: Perhaps the most unusual myth in circulation. No, it is not true that casinos filter oxygen to increase the alertness and receptiveness of players to keep them gambling. That is what the bar is for.

Punters Becoming Wiser

Casino Myths

As you can probably tell from the abundance and extravagance of some of these casino myths, the house generally benefits from their existence and prevalence throughout the gambling population. Casinos love it when punters believe they have a unique advantage, these non-sensical urges that players sometimes get can be disastrous for your success and returns. But things are changing, and with the help of more widely distributed information on the technical aspects of gambling, punters are becoming wiser and debunking some of the age-old gambling myths.