Cashier 中文

  1. 'cashier'中文翻译 cashier2 vt.
  2. 出處/學術領域 中文詞彙 英文詞彙; 學術名詞 經濟學 銀行本票 Promissory bank note; 學術名詞 會計學 銀行本票 cashier check.
  3. 'cashier' 中文翻譯 : cashier2 vt. 's' 中文翻譯 : the collar of S SS, S. 'check' 中文翻譯 : n.
  4. Cashier 中文 意思是什麼. Go, also cannot hold part - time by cashier personnel, a person manages debt already, manage charge to an account again the basis that this produces debt come -.
  1. Cashier 中文
  2. Cashier Order 中文
  3. Cashier 中文
  4. Clerk 中文

Cashier翻譯:(商店、銀行、餐館等的)收銀員,出納員, 撤銷的軍職;取消的軍籍。了解更多。.

Cashier 中文Cashier 中文
n. 名詞出納員;〈美國〉(銀行的)財務主任。
vt. 及物動詞1. 把…撤職;驅逐,革除。
2. 廢除,拋棄。
  1. Bank draft cashier s cheque payment methods
  2. Cheque, cashier order and bank draft
  3. As a rule, no money except the cash taken in after banking hours was kept about the place, and that was locked in the safe by the cashier, who, with the owners, was joint keeper of the secret combination, but, nevertheless, hurstwood nightly took the precaution to try the cash drawers and the safe in order to see that they were tightly closed
  4. The cashier shut the till and locked it.
  5. I'll tell the cashier to do as you ask.
  6. A cashier ran away with the day 's takings.
  7. The cashier embezzled 50 thousand dollars.
  8. The checks must be signed in front of the cashier at the bank.
  9. The cashier embezzled 50, 000 dollars from the bank and ran away.
  10. I drew a cheque and handed it to the cashier through the grating.
  11. Concern the provision of audit work station according to accounting method, if an accounting clerk manages debt already, provide check again, apparent and easy cheat, should give so prohibit ; the accountant record of an unit is custodial, it is the accountant such as budget of forms for reporting statistics of book of zhang of all sorts of prooves that point to this pair of units, accountant, accountant, financial plan, unit and important contract data, after be being collected regularly, examine a nucleus to be opposite, arrange stand roll, schedule, bound into book custodial, if allow a person to manage the debt of an unit already, keep again accountant record, made motion easily on debt apparently later the action that the opportunity of record of recycle government accountant covers him, give so prohibit : the registering job of items of an account of debt of the income of an unit, defray, charge, creditor ' s rights, the much that includes station of work of charge to an account but not be all ( for instance cash journal and bank come - and - go journal are not included ), this part charge to an account works, it is the foundation of business accounting of an unit accountant, also be the basis that produces cash come - and - go, also cannot hold part - time by cashier personnel, a person manages debt already, manage charge to an account again the basis that this produces debt come - and - go, very easy defalcate
    根據會計法有關稽核工作崗位的規定,假如一個會計工作人員既管錢款,又管復核,顯然輕易作假,所以要予以禁止;一個單位的會計檔案保管,是指對本單位的各種憑證、會計賬簿、會計報表、財務計劃、單位預算和重要的合同等會計資料,定期收集后,審查核對,整理立卷,編制目錄、裝訂成冊的保管,假如答應一個人既治理一個單位的錢款,又保管會計檔案,顯然輕易在錢款上做了手腳之後再利用治理會計檔案的機會掩蓋自己的行為,所以予以禁止:一個單位的收入、支出、費用、債權債務賬目的登記工作,包括記賬工作崗位的大部分但不是全部(比如現金日記賬和銀行往來日記賬就不包括在內) ,這部分記賬工作,是一個單位會計核算的基礎,也是發生現金往來的根據,也不能由出納人員兼任,一個人既治理錢款,又治理記賬這一發生錢款往來的根據,很輕易監守自盜。
  12. They estimate the cashier ' s defalcation as $ 600, 000
  13. The cashier embezzled 50 thousand dollars
    出納員盜用了銀行5 萬美元。
  14. At least two years cashier working experience in fie
  15. The episode at the cashier ' s in the supermarket showed us meg ryan ' s anger and relentlessness as well as hanks ' secret guggle and elation, which made me burst into laughter
  16. Thus, in addition to the cousins dorothy and florence, martin encountered two university professors, one of latin, the other of english ; a young army officer just back from the philippines, one - time school - mate of ruth s ; a young fellow named melville, private secretary to joseph perkins, head of the san francisco trust company ; and finally of the men, a live bank cashier, charles hapgood, a youngish man of thirty - five, graduate of stanford university, member of the nile club and the unity club, and a conservative speaker for the republican party during campaigns - in short, a rising young man in every way
  17. The bank cashier rounded up the figures to the nearest pound
  18. A bank cashier s order, found in his possession, was confirmed to be a forged one
  19. Melville, the bank cashier, fascinated him, and he resolved to investigate him at the first opportunity
音標:[ kə'ʃiə ] 讀音:
  • n.
  • 'at cashier' 中文翻譯: 表接待工作
  • 'a careless cashier' 中文翻譯: 糊涂的收銀員
  • 'automatic cashier' 中文翻譯: 現金自動出納機。
  • 'bank cashier' 中文翻譯: 銀行出納員
  • 'cash cashier' 中文翻譯: 出納員
  • 'cashier - carpark' 中文翻譯: 車庫收銀員
  • 'cashier captain' 中文翻譯: 收銀領班
  • 'cashier check' 中文翻譯: 銀行本票
  • 'cashier cheque' 中文翻譯: 銀行本票
  • 'cashier desk' 中文翻譯: 收銀臺
  • 'cashier functions' 中文翻譯: 收銀員作用
  • 'cashier manager' 中文翻譯: 出納經理; 結帳經理
  • 'cashier mode' 中文翻譯: 出納頁方式
  • 'cashier order' 中文翻譯: 銀行本票; 銀行票
  • 'cashier s check' 中文翻譯: 銀行本票
  • 'cashier section' 中文翻譯: 出納科; 出納課; 出納組之英文名稱為
  • 'cashier suprevisor' 中文翻譯: 收銀主管
  • 'cashier's order' 中文翻譯: [cheque, check] 銀行本票。
  • 'central cashier' 中文翻譯: 集中出納制
  • 'chief cashier' 中文翻譯: 出納科科長; 現金出納科長; 總出納,出納主任
  • 'chief of cashier' 中文翻譯: 出納組長
  • 'daydreams of a cashier' 中文翻譯: 收銀員的白日夢
  • 'deputy cashier' 中文翻譯: 副出納員
  • 'the faithful cashier' 中文翻譯: 忠誠的收銀員
  • 'cashfloweffect' 中文翻譯: 現金流轉效應 內部資金效應
  • 'cashflow management' 中文翻譯: 現金流量管理
  • The cashier shut the till and locked it .
  • I'll tell the cashier to do as you ask .
  • A cashier ran away with the day 's takings .
  • The cashier embezzled 50 thousand dollars .
  • The checks must be signed in front of the cashier at the bank .
  • The cashier embezzled 50, 000 dollars from the bank and ran away .
  • I drew a cheque and handed it to the cashier through the grating .
  • The cashiers not only receive payment from the guests, but also cash checks, make change, and exchange foreign currency .
  • The cashiers usually ask departing guests if they have incurred any last-minute changes for the telephone or for food and beverage service .
  • As the time did not admit of cashiering such dissidents, stephen butler was only advised in a friendly way to give up his horse and accoutrement .
  • 更多例句: 1 2345

Cashier 中文

  • a person responsible for receiving payments for goods and services (as in a shop or restaurant)
  • an employee of a bank who receives and pays out money
    同義詞:teller, bank clerk,
  • discharge with dishonor, as in the army
  • discard or do away with; 'cashier the literal sense of this word'

Cashier Order 中文

  • cashierとは意味:cashier出納係すいとうがかり出納係りすいとうがかり會計係かいけいがかりかいけいけいキャッシャー勘定係かんじょうがかり

Cashier 中文

automatic cashier 中文, cashflow 中文, cashflow 101 中文, cashflow analysis 中文, cashflow management 中文, cashfloweffect 中文, cashier - carpark 中文, cashier captain 中文, cashier check 中文, cashier cheque 中文,

Clerk 中文

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