Cash Game Vs Tournament

In investment terms, cash games are like conservative mutual funds that carry less risk than large tournaments, but also have less of a chance for a quick payday. You have a higher probability of making some money with these games, but their smaller payouts mean you need to be patient and allow your bankroll to grow over time. Texas Hold’em has the variation of Cash Game and Tournament Play, both of which require different strategies and skills.-MC6. Poker Cash Game Work. Many poker players refer to Cash Game, or Ring Game play as being work. They go to play for a flexible time period, with a flexible bankroll to invest. DFS Tournaments, or GPPs (Guaranteed Prize Pools) are very different to cash games, as they tend to pay out around 20% of the field. The prizes are also very top heavy, meaning you have to aim to finish in the top 5% of the field to win a decent payout. GPPs are a lot different the cash games and they both require very different strategies. Building your lineup for tournaments has some differences and some similarities to cash games strategy. None the less, the research and effort that goes into each lineup should be the same. Similar to cash games, you will still want to draft all-star athletes for at least three or four of your fantasy slots.

One of the first things you’ll need to do when taking up poker is to figure out whether you want to focus on cash games or tournaments. Although most players dabble with both of these, they’re usually focused on one or the other, and for good reason!

While you’ll be playing the same game, cash games and tournaments require very different skill sets if you want to be successful. You can pick one or the other and you can make money in both but a good tournament player doesn’t necessarily have to be a good cash game player and vice versa.

How do you make a decision, then? Are you better off sticking to cash games action or should you venture into the exciting world of tournament poker?

The answer depends on many factors but this article should help you gain a much deeper understanding of pros and cons to both formats. The ultimate decision will still be yours but you’ll have much more concrete information to work with and base that decision on.

Table Of Contents

  • Tournaments vs. Cash Games from the Profit Perspective
  • Are You More of a Free Spirit? Play Cash Games!

Tournaments vs. Cash Games from the Profit Perspective

One of the biggest things most people are concerned about is the amount of money they can expect to make playing poker. This makes sense if you’re looking to take up the game in a serious capacity as you’ll be investing a lot of your time and money into it so you want to see some kind of return.

The question is, will you be making more money from tournaments or cash games?

There isn’t a very clear-cut answer to this question (surprise!), as it depends on your own skill level, the average skill level of your competition, and the kind of volume you’re willing, ready, and able to put in.

When compared to tournaments, cash games are much less volatile. Provided you’re playing in a game you can beat, you can expect to turn a pretty consistent profit on a monthly basis. The exact number can fluctuate but as long as you put in the hours (20 – 30 hours per month) and have a relatively good winrate, your results should be pretty consistent.

Tournaments are a much different beast.

You can be a very good tournament player and still go a full year or more without making any money. While this isn’t a super-common scenario, it’s been known to happen and it will happen to you at some point if you decide to play poker tournaments exclusively.

Single Big Scores vs. Many Small Ones

The bulk of your profit from the tournaments will come from a handful of events where you manage to finish in the top three spots. The rest of your results will help keep your bankroll healthy but you’ll only get into black when you manage to book one or two wins. One win can bring you 100, 200, or even 1,000+ buy-ins.

With cash games, you’re not going to have such huge wins. Winning a few buy-ins in a session is a very good result and being up 10 or more buy-ins is considered a huge session. However, you’re going to have many more profitable sessions overall.

So, to sum it up, both formats can be very profitable but you’ll realize your profits in a different way. If you prefer more of a steady and safe approach, go for cash games. If the idea of winning huge in one clean swoop feels more attractive, go for tournaments – but beware of the variance.

Are Cash Games Harder to Play Than Tournaments?

Poker is a game of skill and if you expect to win in the long run, you’ll need to apply yourself to studying and getting better. You can have a fairly long streak of good fortune but things tend to even out on the felt so if you want to make the game your career or even a profitable hobby, you’ll need to put in some effort.

If you accept this fact, the next logical question is: is it easier to become really good at tournaments or cash games?

Cash Game Vs Tournament

While you’ll find different answers to this question, I’d say that cash games are harder to learn for a couple of reasons:

  • You’re almost always playing deep stacked
  • Because of this, your mistakes have more severe implications

Since No Limit Hold’em is a game of almost unlimited options, making the right decisions becomes increasingly harder as your stack grows.

If you have only 10 big blinds in your stack and the button shoves, you have a super easy call holding AQ. But how do you play the same hand when you’re sitting 250 big blinds deep?

This isn’t to say that tournaments aren’t extremely skill-oriented. One of the biggest challenges of tournament poker is that blinds constantly increase. To become a truly good player, you need to learn to shift gears and adapt to new situations.

Also, while a wrong decision in a tournament might be “less wrong” in terms of chips and big blinds, it can have huge implications. Once you’re eliminated, you’re done. You can’t just take more money out of your pocket and keep playing.

Cash games are probably more complicated from a purely technical point of view as there is more math involved. Tournaments require the ability to constantly switch gears and will really put your mental resolve to the test. Busting out on the final table bubble to a cooler or because of a mistake can be a very painful experience that will take some time to recover from.

Are You More of a Free Spirit? Play Cash Games!

One of the main reasons why people take up poker as a career (besides the money, of course) is the freedom that comes with the choice. You’ll be your own boss and have the ability to set your own hours.

Cash game vs tournament in dfs

Well, if you opt to be a tournament player, you’ll soon come to realize things aren’t as good as you expected them to be.

The thing with poker tournaments is that they run according to fixed schedules. They’ll start at a certain time and will often tie you up for hours. Of course, you’re still free to get up and leave whenever you like but you can’t cash out your tournament chips. So, you have to stay there to the bitter end.

And let’s not even talk about major tournament series, online or live.

Every serious tournament player knows that big events like WSOP, WCOOP, Micro Millions, or EPT are must-play. You can’t afford to skip on series such as this (depending on your usual buy-ins, of course). So, you’ll often be very busy and limited for several weeks, playing pretty much every day.

If freedom is your main focus, tournaments might not be for you. You might not have a boss as such but every online and live venue will be your boss to some extent. They’ll dictate your working schedule and you’ll pretty much have to stick to it if you want to make money.

You Can Pick Your Own Hours with Cash Games

Unlike tournaments, cash games are much more flexible. You can join the action whenever you feel like it and get up at any point. The money you have in front of you is actual cash and you can walk away with it, no questions asked.

Of course, you’ll still be limited in some ways as there isn’t much action happening at eight in the morning but in this day and age, you can even find a workaround for that.

Online poker is played by people from all over the world so if you’d rather play during your morning hours, you just need to find a room that caters to the part of the world where your mornings are afternoons and evenings. For more information, check out my post on the best poker rooms for beginners.

While you’ll still need to put in decent hours to make money, you have much more freedom in terms of how you schedule those hours. You can play very long sessions for a few days a week and take a couple of days off completely. Or, you can break down your daily routine into several shorter sessions so you’re never too tied up.

Cash games are definitely the better option for those who appreciate their freedom above everything else. Whether you’re up or down on a session, you can stop at any time and get back to it when you feel like it.

The Level of Competition: Tournaments Are Still Soft

We’ve already talked about tournaments being somewhat easier to learn from the strategic point of view. However, what’s even more important is that you’ll find many weaker players in tournaments, especially online and especially in low to mid-stakes events.

While live cash games are still pretty good, online competition has become very tough. If you want to be a winner at any reasonable stakes, you’ll really need to study a lot and constantly improve your play.

Tournaments, on the other hand, continue to attract many bad players. Simply put, this is one of the main reasons I think investing in poker tournament courses and training sites is one of the best ways to get a good ROI these days.

There is a fairly simple explanation for this and it goes back to the nature of tournaments. In theory, you don’t have to be very good to win a single tournament. You could get lucky and win a tournament with a few thousand players, turning your small buy-in of $10 or $20 into tens of thousands.

Something like this simply can’t happen in a cash game no matter how good you happen to run.

So, if you can deal with the inevitable variance, tournaments are much easier to beat in the long run. As long as you have solid strategic fundamentals and don’t make any big mistakes, you should be making decent money in the long run.

Free games to win money online

An ROI (Return on Investment) of 30% – 40% is definitely achievable in online poker tournaments but you will need to play a few thousand of them to get to this number. Of course, you can still get lucky early on and win a big event right off the bat, taking a lot of pressure off your shoulders.

Some of the plays you’ll see in online tournaments are, quite frankly, ridiculous, and you’ll never see moves like that in cash games. Players will often just dust off their stack on a completely insane bluff or will call you down with nothing for loads of chips.

Poker cash games vs tournaments

Online Poker Cash Games Vs Tournaments

If you’re wondering why, go back to some of the previous points. Tournaments take a lot of time to finish and not all people who enter a tournament plan so far ahead. Sometimes, they just have to go and they don’t want to leave their stack to be blinded out. So, they’ll try to “brute force” their way to the victory (which never works, of course), donating their chips in the process.

You’ll Need Bigger Bankroll for Tournaments

While tournaments are softer in general, you’ll still need a bigger bankroll to get started due to the variance. For cash games, you can start with 40 buy-ins for your selected level. For tournaments, you should have at least 80 and preferably 100 average buy-ins to really feel safe.

For example, to play NL100 cash games, you’ll be fine with $4,000 to $5,000. If you wanted to play in $100 tournaments, you should probably have at least $10,000 set aside just for poker and to ensure you don't go broke.

As mentioned earlier, the short-term effect of luck in poker tournaments can be quite significant and you can go on long stretches without any significant results. The last thing you want is to run out of money in the middle of a downswing.

For a poker player, their bankroll is their main operational tool. If you run out of money, you’re pretty much done. So, keep this in mind as well when making your decision about what format to play and plan accordingly.

Summary: Cash Games or Tournaments?

Like I said at the very start, this article won’t try to push you in either direction. Whether you want to focus on poker cash games or tournaments is entirely your choice. Both options have their pros and cons and both can work out very well if you approach them correctly.

Hopefully, you’ll find some of the tips in here useful in the process. You’re the best judge of your own character and you also know best what your bankroll looks like. Keep these things in mind when making the decision.

Finally, if you are still unsure, you can give both formats a try for a little while and see how you like them. There is no substitute for the firsthand experience and you shouldn’t be afraid to experiment and test things. You’re bound to stumble upon your sweet spot eventually and then you can give it your full focus!

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Fantasy Football Basics: Cash Games Vs. Tournaments

Texas Holdem Tournaments Cash

For all of the daily fantasy sports players out there and any sports fan that is looking to get involved, it is important to understand the different league types you can enter. Competitions on Daily Fantasy Sports platforms like FanDuel or DraftKings typically fall into two categories: the first is what we call “cash games” and the second is known as “tournament games.” Both are unique when it comes to strategy planning and lineup creation. With two separate goals to win, fantasy team managers should have a solid understanding of how both work. This article will focus on fantasy football, identifying benefits of both game types and analyzing the differences to help build your DFS strategy.

DFS Cash Games

With so many different options to choose from, many fantasy football fans are confused on which competitions to enter. Let’s start with the cash games. Cash games are considered a main category but will have several subcategories to choose from such as 50/50, head to head, and any number of 3-10 man leagues. Most of the time in cash games, you will need to only beat out 50 percent of your competition. However, there are some winner-take-all leagues. Regardless, all share the same ultimate strategy goal of consistency.

For the 50/50 leagues, teams that at least score within the top half of the contestant pool double their money. Cash games are also known as floor games due to the strategy of wanting a high floor. What this means is that when you build your lineup, you will want to select an overall consistent team that is sure to score a decent amount of points. From the individual player perspective, this means low risk, steady reward athletes who will at least produce average numbers. When it comes to cash games, the skillful aspects of the game take precedence over luck. With that in mind, cash games are the most efficient way to consistently win money over time.

Research and Lineup Construction for Cash Games

Doing research for cash games is extremely important, and will usually separate the winners from the losers. Team managers need to play it smart when it comes to building their cash teams. For example, you enter into a $10 50/50 competition. There are 57 contestants and the top 25 double their money. In this particular cash game, there is no huge prize for taking first, but an equal prize of doubling your money for landing in the top half of contestants. It is pointless to try to risk your money on crafting the biggest “boom or bust” lineup that could win first place. Instead, you want the most consistent team possible. However, one or two medium-to-high risk players are acceptable given the distribution of the salary spread.

Many ask the question, “so I’m just supposed to draft a bunch of average players?” The key is to draft low-risk players while still holding on to at least three all-star players. In many daily fantasy sports situations, star players will get their points on Sunday, but the make or break will fall on the remainder of your team. If you research accordingly to at least score average points with the lower valued players, cash games are yours for the taking.

DFS Tournament Games

Another guaranteed prize pool competition is tournaments, which are the big games that draw the most attention. Tournaments vary in size but will usually have a high number of contestants and, of course, big figure payouts. For the most part, your score will need to range from at least the top 25 percent to bring home any winnings. However, due to the higher risk involved, the top percentile of players will receive significantly larger payouts through a ladder based system. The top players could win life-changing sums of money. The idea of winning it big on just a small entry fee pulls many contestants to cross their fingers. Although the idea doesn’t support probability and statistics, there are metrics to the madness. Tournaments are also known as high ceiling games. Contrary to floor games, these competitions require a big risk, big reward style strategy. There is certainly a larger element of chance in these games as you are hoping for a few valued players to hit it big.

Research and Lineup Construction for Tournaments

Building your lineup for tournaments has some differences and some similarities to cash games strategy. None the less, the research and effort that goes into each lineup should be the same. Similar to cash games, you will still want to draft all-star athletes for at least three or four of your fantasy slots. The remainder of your salary spending separates a majority of the contestants due to so many lineup entries. What this means is that the sleeper players who wind up scoring big are bound to be on someone’s lineup in the tournament. The key is to research which value players will have the best upside.

There is a multitude of statistics to look into, but let’s concentrate on the main categories. The first is offensive production; will your player receive plenty of opportunities to make an offensive play. Knowing the different types of player strengths and weaknesses will give you a better understanding of who will touch the ball. For example, when the New England Patriots play weak defensive teams against the run, Running back LeGarrette Blount will carry the ball over 20 times. On the other hand, against strong run defensive teams, Blount may not even see the field. Researching matchups on both the player and overall team levels will give you insight on the player's upside.

Another main category is popularity. In big tournaments, you know which big name players will be on a majority of lineups. The research comes into play when choosing the sleepers that few select. The advantage to this is that your unique lineup can shoot to the top in GPP tournaments while others remain in the majority pack. The millionaire winners on daily fantasy sites are the team managers who picked the “boom” value players. By taking a risk, you free up salary for consistent all star players thus creating the highest ceiling team possible.


When playing on a DFS platform make sure to know your limits and above all have fun! Check out our other strategy articles to become the best fantasy sports player you can be.